Friday 27 November 2009

'Soap and Glory Hand Food' Review

G'evening people!

ENGLISH WEATHER EH? Wind. Rain. Coldness. Roughness. Runny nose. But isn't it funny how you don't notice ANY of these when you're out in Oxford Street shopping? ;D
I thought it would be good to invest in some good ole' hand cream for this time of year (... And being on a student's budget, I stopped myself from going to 'L'occitane' and purchasing one of their infamous hand creams for £7 *cries*). I went to 'Boots' to do some standard Christmas shopping for the fam' when I saw a 'Buy two get third free' offer on 'Soap and Glory's products. Intrigued. I pounced on the 'Body Care' section.

I'd always liked the cute, 50's pinkified look of the products, but for some reason always had it in my head their products would be a case of 'spend so much money on the packaging because the quality is crap' kinda thing.

So I took a tester smell of their body butter... And DAYMN did it smell good! In fact, this stuff smells uncannily similar to Dior's 'Miss Dior Cherie' perfume. So, I proceeded to buy two jars of the body butter (£10 each) for my mum and boyfriend's mum, and ended up getting the hand cream for free :D (Yes. I spoilt myself during the process. Leave me alone!).

The actual hand cream it self is £4.50 for 125ml which is pretty good I reckon. First and foremost, It smells LUVVVVVVVERLY'. It isn't runny and moisturises for ages. It honestly (and forgive me for sounding like a T.V advert here...) does leave your hands feeling very soft and smooth! My nails seem to appear alot stronger and my hands look alot more clearer. The smell is quite strong so if you put this on during a bus ride, people near you will probably get a whiff... And will counteract the people that have B.O problems on your local 453 or 159.

RESULT: Keeps hands moisturised. Nails and hands appear in better condition. Smells gorgeously sweet. Altogether proves you don't have to splash out for great quality! = 5/5!

Love & Peace,

The Midnight-Kitten.

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